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- AAP Aquatronics Medications
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- AAP Aquatronics Super Ich Plus
AAP Aquatronics Super Ich Plus
One drop per 2 gallons, treats up to 1200 gallons.
AAP Aquatronics Super Ich Plus is second to NONE as the most effective freshwater aquarium fish Ich treatment with its unique/synergistic Malachite Green/Quinine combination
• AAP Super Ich Plus is an effective external treatment Freshwater fish for:
* Freshwater Ich/White Spots (Strongest available choice!)
* Scratching & Darting
* Collapsed Fins
* General external parasites
* Compare to SeaChem ParaGuard as AAP Super Ich Plus treats 700 gallons more and includes the effective parasite and anti-inflammatory ingredient Quinine Hydrochloride (which ParaGuard does not) for only $2 more!!
Safe for most freshwater fish, with sensitive fish such as Loaches or Cory cats (along with invertebrates such as snails), 1/2 dose recommended.
With sensitive fish, besides half dose, the combined use with AAP Yellow Powder (Premium Nitrofurazone) or Sulfathiazole to buffer this product is suggested.
As with any malachite green based product, maintaining an adequate GH & KH is STRONGLY recommended for both better results and higher safety margins.
Avoid use with malachite green intolerant fish such as Ghost Knives
• USE: Shake well. Add 1 drop per NET 2 gallons of water (include sump water if applicable).
Use when receiving new fish or when disease occurs.
To control parasites on fish, treat every other day for 5 days (3 treatments are suggested). Repeat treatment in 3 days if parasites reappear.
AAP/API Triple Sulfa can be safely used with AAP Super Ich Plus to improve effectiveness when secondary infection is present, with sensitive fish, or diagnosis is not certain (with sensitive fish, Super Ich Plus should be used at half dose).
• Ingredients: Malachite Green, Quinine Hydrochloride
Update: Please see AAP Super Ich + - https://www.americanaquariumproducts.com/store/p509/AAP_Super_Ich___1oz.html
AAP Aquatronics
All products sold on this page are products our founder has used and tested via the 1000s of aquariums in his care over the years.
Our founder's (Carl Strohmeyer) experience is well known in the aquarium industry with professionals going back decades and he still gets consulted for aquarium fish care and disease by many in the industry as well as places such as Disney World.
So customers purchasing from this web page as well as others here on AAP can be assured they are getting the best from a professional site, which includes dosing instructions based on literally 1000s of uses by our founder.