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- AAP Medicated Wonder Shell Med
AAP Medicated Wonder Shell Med
per item
15-40 gal tank
15-40 gal tank
See AAP Regular Wonder Shell Information as to why the use of a Wonder Shell is so important. Then we add medication into these medicated versions to help fish osmoregulation and fight disease.
A useful aquarium treatment/disease prevention to have on hand for any aquarist!
An aquarium disease treatment with over 40 years of satisfied customers in both our pet store and professional aquarium maintenance route.
Now one of the few options for aquarium treatment with the 1/2021 ban of pharmaceutical grade antibiotics in the USA!
NOT A CURE ALL, replacement for antibiotic treatment for bacterial infections, or replacement for good aquarium husbandry!
For serious Ich infestations, we recommend AAP Super Ich Plus followed by these Medicated Wonder Shells for prevention/follow up treatment.
Active ingredients: Malachite Green, Acriflavin, Copper Sulfate, Methylene Blue
(Can also be used for fungus in aquatic turtles)
For a Medicated Wonder Shell with only buffered Malachite Green, consider our Marine Version, which are safe for use with even delicate plants and most shrimp, but are also less effective than the standard medicated version, and do not treat Velvet or Fungus.
Authorized Medicated AAP Wonder Shells are a unique product, which we have tested on our professional aquarium service (with 30 years experience) with excellent results. It helps oxygenate and add important minerals to your aquarium or small pond. In addition to that, it helps prevent and treat Ich (and other protozoan diseases), fungal, some bacterial diseases, even green water.
This product has the advantage of a steady flow of medication unlike the spikes of medication in traditional treatments, which is easier on the fish. An excellent product for use with Gouramis, goldfish, livebearers, discus and more. As a preventative, we recommend adding a shell(s) when you add new fish.
As a treatment, treat 2-3 weeks (and no longer). Add another shell when the first one is 2/3 dissolved (a partial water change at this time is recommended).
HOWEVER, since this is a medicated product we do not recommend keeping a Medicated Wonder Shell in an aquarium past 3 weeks and we recommend a 3-4 week period between usages, (unlike the regular Wonder Shells which can and should be used continuously).
As well we do NOT recommend the use of a Medicated along with a Regular AAP Wonder Shell.
This product truly shines as a preventative when used with new fish or during times of stress, such as after a move or after aggressive behavior induced stress in African Cichlid aquariums
Probably one of the most effective treatments for velvet available, as the copper sulfate and methylene blue not only kill the swimming stage (as in ich), but kill velvet (Piscinoodinium pillulare) in the dormant stage by destroying the chloroplasts.
Effective for mild Ich infestations (otherwise Super Ich should be used by itself or in combination)
Effective for mild to moderate true fungal/Saprolegnia infections (even stronger when combined with AAP Furacyn or Triple Sulfa)
Authentic/Authorized AAP Medicated Wonder Shells when used in a display tank or a hospital tank treatment that is combined with AAP Spectrogram, which can then be a very strong treatment for fungus, many bacterial infections, and many external parasites while also supplying mineral Cations to aid in oxidative stress.
Electrolytes in the wonder shell aids in osmoregulation. While the Calcium buffers the malachite green, which is more toxic at lower pH.
Not recommended as a cure or treatment for true bacterial diseases, only as a preventative or for mildly damaged fins.
However the Medicated Wonder Shell can be a very strong treatment when combined with AAP Spectrogram (using both as directed)
Medicated Wonder Shells can be a great accompaniment to "out of tank" fish baths, fish food soaks for parasites and/or "white stringy poops", and more.
Example: "discus with white stringy poop and cloudy eye" EA Forum Post
Used as directed, these will NOT harm nitrifying bacteria
There are years of professional aquarium maintenance use behind this product, with this experience the acknowledgement that Medicated Wonder Shells are excellent for prevention, follow up, and treatment for mild to moderate Ich and Fungus infection.
HOWEVER, we recommend either AAP Super Ich Plus PREMIUM Ich Treatment or ParaGuard for serious infections and THEN use the Medicated WS for follow up (Medicated Wonder Shells are effective for serious Velvet infections though).
* Do NOT dilute the aquarium bowl water by changing more than 10% water during treatment with a Medicated Wonder Shell, this only lowers effectiveness of the MWS.
Unlike the regular AAP Wonder Shell, the Medicated version should always be used at full strength otherwise it will not be effective.
* As noted earlier, please use our website instructions as no correct instructions are included with the packaging
* We recommend the Medium wonder shell for 15 to 35 gallon aquariums and the large for 40 gallon or larger aquariums/ponds. Use one Large wonder shell per 40 -60 gallons of aquarium or pond water. With minimum aquarium sizes per shell, changing 20% of the water one hour later can help moderate the MWS.
* Carbon or other chemical filtration generally should not be present when used as a treatment or strong preventative.
* Carbon (& other chemical filtration such as Purigen, BioChem Zorb) may used when Medicated Wonder Shells are used as a MILD preventative however this lowers effectiveness considerably.
* Use with other mechanical filter media is fine.
* Not recommended as a cure or treatment for true bacterial diseases, only as a preventative or for mildly damaged fins
* VERY SAFE for all fish when used as directed, however when combined with other treatments such as the earlier mentioned AAP Spectrogram, there are more inherent risks as with any strong combined treatment that is often needed for serious infections.
* Generally safe for use with hardy snails (not sensitive invertebrates) and hardy plants such as Anubias and Java Fern (as copper levels are generally below .05). With normal use, plants will generally burn back, then these plants will generally "bounce" back if not used long term.
However we do not recommend their use for minimum size aquariums with low mineral content with any snail (an example is if you used a Medium Medicated Wonder Shell in a 20 gallon aquarium with low mineral content, this would be a potential result. However this same size Wonder Shell in a 35 gallon aquarium with high mineral content would likely not have this result).
See AAP Regular Wonder Shell Information as to why the use of a Wonder Shell is so important. Then we add medication into these medicated versions to help fish osmoregulation and fight disease.
A useful aquarium treatment/disease prevention to have on hand for any aquarist!
An aquarium disease treatment with over 40 years of satisfied customers in both our pet store and professional aquarium maintenance route.
Now one of the few options for aquarium treatment with the 1/2021 ban of pharmaceutical grade antibiotics in the USA!
NOT A CURE ALL, replacement for antibiotic treatment for bacterial infections, or replacement for good aquarium husbandry!
For serious Ich infestations, we recommend AAP Super Ich Plus followed by these Medicated Wonder Shells for prevention/follow up treatment.
Active ingredients: Malachite Green, Acriflavin, Copper Sulfate, Methylene Blue
(Can also be used for fungus in aquatic turtles)
For a Medicated Wonder Shell with only buffered Malachite Green, consider our Marine Version, which are safe for use with even delicate plants and most shrimp, but are also less effective than the standard medicated version, and do not treat Velvet or Fungus.
Authorized Medicated AAP Wonder Shells are a unique product, which we have tested on our professional aquarium service (with 30 years experience) with excellent results. It helps oxygenate and add important minerals to your aquarium or small pond. In addition to that, it helps prevent and treat Ich (and other protozoan diseases), fungal, some bacterial diseases, even green water.
This product has the advantage of a steady flow of medication unlike the spikes of medication in traditional treatments, which is easier on the fish. An excellent product for use with Gouramis, goldfish, livebearers, discus and more. As a preventative, we recommend adding a shell(s) when you add new fish.
As a treatment, treat 2-3 weeks (and no longer). Add another shell when the first one is 2/3 dissolved (a partial water change at this time is recommended).
HOWEVER, since this is a medicated product we do not recommend keeping a Medicated Wonder Shell in an aquarium past 3 weeks and we recommend a 3-4 week period between usages, (unlike the regular Wonder Shells which can and should be used continuously).
As well we do NOT recommend the use of a Medicated along with a Regular AAP Wonder Shell.
This product truly shines as a preventative when used with new fish or during times of stress, such as after a move or after aggressive behavior induced stress in African Cichlid aquariums
Probably one of the most effective treatments for velvet available, as the copper sulfate and methylene blue not only kill the swimming stage (as in ich), but kill velvet (Piscinoodinium pillulare) in the dormant stage by destroying the chloroplasts.
Effective for mild Ich infestations (otherwise Super Ich should be used by itself or in combination)
Effective for mild to moderate true fungal/Saprolegnia infections (even stronger when combined with AAP Furacyn or Triple Sulfa)
Authentic/Authorized AAP Medicated Wonder Shells when used in a display tank or a hospital tank treatment that is combined with AAP Spectrogram, which can then be a very strong treatment for fungus, many bacterial infections, and many external parasites while also supplying mineral Cations to aid in oxidative stress.
Electrolytes in the wonder shell aids in osmoregulation. While the Calcium buffers the malachite green, which is more toxic at lower pH.
Not recommended as a cure or treatment for true bacterial diseases, only as a preventative or for mildly damaged fins.
However the Medicated Wonder Shell can be a very strong treatment when combined with AAP Spectrogram (using both as directed)
Medicated Wonder Shells can be a great accompaniment to "out of tank" fish baths, fish food soaks for parasites and/or "white stringy poops", and more.
Example: "discus with white stringy poop and cloudy eye" EA Forum Post
Used as directed, these will NOT harm nitrifying bacteria
There are years of professional aquarium maintenance use behind this product, with this experience the acknowledgement that Medicated Wonder Shells are excellent for prevention, follow up, and treatment for mild to moderate Ich and Fungus infection.
HOWEVER, we recommend either AAP Super Ich Plus PREMIUM Ich Treatment or ParaGuard for serious infections and THEN use the Medicated WS for follow up (Medicated Wonder Shells are effective for serious Velvet infections though).
* Do NOT dilute the aquarium bowl water by changing more than 10% water during treatment with a Medicated Wonder Shell, this only lowers effectiveness of the MWS.
Unlike the regular AAP Wonder Shell, the Medicated version should always be used at full strength otherwise it will not be effective.
* As noted earlier, please use our website instructions as no correct instructions are included with the packaging
* We recommend the Medium wonder shell for 15 to 35 gallon aquariums and the large for 40 gallon or larger aquariums/ponds. Use one Large wonder shell per 40 -60 gallons of aquarium or pond water. With minimum aquarium sizes per shell, changing 20% of the water one hour later can help moderate the MWS.
* Carbon or other chemical filtration generally should not be present when used as a treatment or strong preventative.
* Carbon (& other chemical filtration such as Purigen, BioChem Zorb) may used when Medicated Wonder Shells are used as a MILD preventative however this lowers effectiveness considerably.
* Use with other mechanical filter media is fine.
* Not recommended as a cure or treatment for true bacterial diseases, only as a preventative or for mildly damaged fins
* VERY SAFE for all fish when used as directed, however when combined with other treatments such as the earlier mentioned AAP Spectrogram, there are more inherent risks as with any strong combined treatment that is often needed for serious infections.
* Generally safe for use with hardy snails (not sensitive invertebrates) and hardy plants such as Anubias and Java Fern (as copper levels are generally below .05). With normal use, plants will generally burn back, then these plants will generally "bounce" back if not used long term.
However we do not recommend their use for minimum size aquariums with low mineral content with any snail (an example is if you used a Medium Medicated Wonder Shell in a 20 gallon aquarium with low mineral content, this would be a potential result. However this same size Wonder Shell in a 35 gallon aquarium with high mineral content would likely not have this result).