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- AAP Mineral Blocks
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- AAP Wonder Shell Lg
AAP Wonder Shell Lg
$5.99 - $54.99
per item
Large for 45-200 Gallon or 170- 750 L Aquariums (full strength to 1/4 strength)
Press DECRIPTION + for more info
• Small (set of three)for fish bowls (1-2 gallon full strength)
(for 5 gallon Aquarium use two for full dose)
• Medium for 15-100 Gallon for 50-375 L Aquariums (full strength to 1/4 strength)
(For 10 gallon, break in 1/2 or 1/4 with a flathead screwdriver & hammer)
• Large for 45-200 Gallon or 170-750 L Aquariums (full strength to 1/4 strength)
The original internet and ONLY Professional sellers of Wonder Shells with over 40 years experience using this product. Why buy from anyone else and then have inaccurate information or simply get the WRONG product or one that is NOT fresh? Wonder Shells lose their "charge" over time, and ONLY AAP has fresh Wonder Shells purchased monthly.
Our Patent Pending Medicated Wonder Shells Are Unique And Sold NO WHERE Else Online. Now one of the few options for aquarium treatment with the 1/2021 ban of pharmaceutical grade antibiotics in the USA.
We do not just sell these; we also use these products personally. As well, it was our maintenance/research businesses (run by our founder, Aquarium keeping guru, Carl Strohmeyer) that tested, corrected dosing, found what this unique product could and could not do and eventually through AAP, this regional product was made aware to the rest of the world by our founder. Why not support the professional aquarium industry instead of purchasing elsewhere from a parasite retailer?
Regular AAP/Weco Wonder Shell (no medication) - Mineral Block.
NEW 1 kg block for extra large aquarium systems and ponds!
EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION ABOUT WONDER SHELLS (may not be used without permission from AAP):
• What are Wonder Shells Made of?
Our FRESH Regular Authorized Regular AAP/Weco Wonder Shells Contains Calcium Carbonate/CaCO3+ cations (a VERY important element for proper Osmotic Function in fish as well as Redox Balance), as well as Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium, Sulfate, Potassium, Bicarbonate, Bromide, Borate, Strontium, Fluoride (there is NO sodium thiosulfate despite poor search result claims).
These mineral Cations that are only provided in FESH AAP Wonder Shells are more important to fish health than parameters such as exact pH!
Useful for Important Mineralization/Electrolytes/Cations, Calcium Carbonate, Water Hardness Control, & more. Based on our extensive experience with 1000s of aquarium in our decades of professional aquarium maintenance, the use of AAP Wonder Shells (often at only fractional doses) is superior to other methods of minor & trace element/GH maintenance including over SeaChem Equilibrium (which is still an excellent product, it simply does not provide the continuous mineral Cations to battle oxidative stress)!
Calcium and magnesium have been proven to help fish (and humans) during stress and to help prevent disease due to acid buildup in the brain/body. Important for the prevention (& treatment) of Columnaris and Saprolegnia/Fish Fungus.
These positive mineral ions play a part in prevention of Columnaris by lowering oxidative stress and improving osmoregulation.
Can aid in prevention and treatment of Livebearers/Molly Disease such as "shimmies" and "wasting away" (not from Fish TB) whose general cause is the lack of these important elements.
Redox mineral water change
•Authorized Fresh AAP Wonder Shells add Necessary Minerals/Electrolytes -very important whether your source is this product or another method.
Authorized Fresh AAP Wonder Shells perform this by adding a constant supply of positive calcium and other positive mineral ions, which are depleted during Redox Balancing™ while lowering oxidative stress in fish (the picture to the right demonstrates how an AAP Wonder Shell lowers oxidative stress over just water changes).
GH tests cannot discern the ion charge and may show high GH when in reality, these cations are depleted. As well, while a Redox Meter may not show a difference in some well balanced aquariums with natural Reducers present, the Wonder Shells can react much better to oxidizers that might become present than natural reducers (the Potassium Permanaganate test can verify this).
For maintaining a higher pH or KH Wonder Shells should be combined with baking soda or better Sea Chem Buffers (or similar).
Please note, Wonder Shells do NOT generally raise KH or pH, despite some incorrect claims by Weco and other websites that have not used these AAP Wonder Shells properly. They more aid in maintenance of these parameters by neutralizing harmful acids, which result from organic decomposition (as noted earlier on this web-page, ONLY AAP has long term professional experience and testing of this product, so we know the facts of what it can and cannot do).
• Aids in Chlorine removal & helps keep aquarium clear.
• Aids in prevention of toxic ammonia buildup.
• Aids in prevention of HITH and HLLE (especially the 1 kg Block when used in large marine systems employing ozone).
• Especially useful for use with fish with higher mineral requirements such Goldfish, Livebearers, Cichlids, and more.
• These mineral blocks can help cure scoliosis in fish such as Guppys or even Bettas when lack of minerals is the cause.
• Regular Wonder Shells can also aid in prevention and even treat HITH by virtue of the necessary minerals found within these products.
• Each shell oxygenates, aerates and aids in neutralizing harmful acids resulting from normal bio processes. This makes the small Wonder Shell an Excellent Choice for Betta Bowls (especially when combined with Pillow Moss, Peat, Indian Almond Leaf Extracts, or Driftwood pieces).
• Also useful in Planted/Amazon River environment aquariums such as Discus and Ram Cichlids as well as Bettas for addition of positive mineral ions based on the proven fact of the need for calcium and other minerals for osmoregulation and Redox Balance™!
Concerns raising GH with Discus, Angels, planted tanks, etc, is at times over-rated, as this does not take into consideration the fact that essential positive mineral ions can be depleted, while the GH still might test “high”.
Reference: Depletion of Positive Ions.
• Extremely useful in planted aquariums at maintaining hardness (and we mean GH, not KH as studies in photosynthesis prove) to counter act peak daytime photosynthesis.
The Authorized AAP Wonder Shell is a CONSTANT GH supplement unlike other supplements for those using the EI method of dosing for planted aquariums!
As well, AAP Wonder Shells are useful for other minerals required by plants.
This said, if a planted aquarium GH booster are already being used daily, the AAP Wonder Shell would NOT be necessary.
Please see this article for more:
Aquarium Plants- Information and care.
• Can be used in marine aquariums, although better methods are available for reef aquariums in particular (such as with many SeaChem products).
However, Wonder Shells are excellent for use in RO water storage to aid in re-mineralization prior to top off for evaporation or mixing in Reef or other saltwater aquariums.
As well, for fish only or FOWLR marine tanks. They still can be useful for EVERYDAY mineral maintenance.
• Provides crabs, snails and turtles with an easily available source of bio available calcium for healthy shell growth.
Aquarium Medications Pro• NOT a cure all for poor water management, but a useful tool in proper aquarium maintenance. This is an excellent product, but the name is misleading, as Wonder Shells do not perform “wonders”, it is just a useful. However not essential product with more than 30 years of aquarist use to back it up
• Please follow the directions and use suggestions WE PROVIDE, as the packaging provided to us & then re-packaged still dates back to the 1970s are partly incorrect.
Please also note that AAP rotates stock, so even though no "best used by date" is published, you can be assured you are getting a fresh product that can maintain its full mineral Cations for well over a year (unlike many sold via 3rd party sellers on Amazon or other discounters that sit on the shelf for years before being sold at clearance prices).
These instructions are based on decades of experience as well as the unique ingredients we add.
The Wonder Shells should be placed in an area with low water flow for best results. NOT in filters.
They will dissolve approximately as needed for minerals/electrolytes and should be replaced when about ¼ original size.
For aquariums set-up for fish, which come from bodies of water that tend to be more soft (these fish still need positive mineral electrolytes for osmoregulation and Redox Balance™). The basic principle is to have at least some Wonder Shell piece, fragment, etc. present, no matter how small just to be able to provide constant mineral Cations THAT ARE PRESENT EVEN IN THE MOST SOFT OF NATURAL BODIES OF WATER!
As a starting point, we recommend a 1/4 “dose” (recommended AAP Wonder Shells per tank size), or even just fragments added as they dissolve as noted earlier on this web page.
The regular Wonder Shells (not Medicated) can also be broken for economy. Using a flat head screw driver placed in the middle of the shell, then hit with a hammer allows for easy splitting
For use with soft water fish or sensitive soft water plants- often a 1/4 dose to maybe a 1/2 dose of AAP Wonder Shells solves this problem along with the more easily measured dosing of SeaChem Replenish at the time of a water change IF RO water is used (for example: a 1/2 medium Wonder Shell for a 60 gallon tank equals 1/4 dose)
A test before and after can confirm correct dosing for fish such as Bettas, Discus, Angels, etc.
You would want to see at least a 10% bump in GH after a few days use if properly placed in a low flow area
Example; if the GH in your Betta tank is 200 before, and a few days later it is 225, this shows correct use (as you only want to see a slight increase to confirm ongoing mineral Cation replacement). However if the GH goes up considerably (such as to 300), then try a small size and confirm you are placing in a low flow area.
With high mineral fish such as livebearers, African Cichlids, etc, even doubling GH should not be an issue.
• The mineral block dissolves approximately as trace elements are depleted in an aquarium or as the bio load dictates.
Larger aquariums, those with high bio loads, or those low in trace elements will dissolve Wonder Shells at a higher rate until stable. Calcium (which is the carrier for the other elements) will not exceed safe levels as aquariums will precipitate out excess. GH readings will reflect this, however the GH will only show the overall hardness, not the balance of trace elements, so higher readings (over 200 ppm) are only reflecting excess calcium.
As well for soft water or planted aquariums, the use of SeaChem Replenish for adding essential minerals when RO water is used, then the use of 1/4 the normal dose of Wonder Shells or fragments to aid in the constant supply of essential mineral cations is suggested.
• IMPORTANT: Keep in mind, if your aquarium is low in electrolytes, the quick release of positive mineral ions can be stressful to many SE Asia and Amazon River fish such as Bettas, as well as many shrimp (such as Crystal Red Shrimp). If not used before, it is strongly advised to start with a 1/4 dose and then work up to a 1/2 dose or more.
However, literally 10s of thousands of professional uses (which includes CONTROLLED tests by aquarium keeping expert Carl S.) show this product to be safe and in fact beneficial when used correctly, so be wary of dishonest, poorly moderated aquarium keeping forums calling this product "evil" or making equally miss-informed statements based on a lack of basic aquarium chemistry knowledge (including Redox™)
Example: a 1/4 Medium Wonder Shell or 1-2 small WS for a 10 gallon aquarium.
The sudden introduction of Wonder Shells in a low positive mineral ion aquarium is comparable to changing water in a tank with high nitrates or especially too low pH. The fish/invertebrates will need to be adjusted to the improved water quality or pH shock would follow from the water change!!
Simply replace at whatever dosage you are using within a few days of dissolving. Unlike with AAP Medicated Wonder Shells, water changes should not require the aquarium keeper to ad more assuming new water is of the desired chemistry for the aquarium biotope kept.
Redox Information Research; Please note that the research into aquarium Redox balance has been ongoing by Carl Strohmeyer since the early 1990s, with more recent help and input by others.
Use of this information to help sell the Wonder Shell or other products is given by permission only.
• Small (set of three)for fish bowls (1-2 gallon full strength)
(for 5 gallon Aquarium use two for full dose)
• Medium for 15-100 Gallon for 50-375 L Aquariums (full strength to 1/4 strength)
(For 10 gallon, break in 1/2 or 1/4 with a flathead screwdriver & hammer)
• Large for 45-200 Gallon or 170-750 L Aquariums (full strength to 1/4 strength)
The original internet and ONLY Professional sellers of Wonder Shells with over 40 years experience using this product. Why buy from anyone else and then have inaccurate information or simply get the WRONG product or one that is NOT fresh? Wonder Shells lose their "charge" over time, and ONLY AAP has fresh Wonder Shells purchased monthly.
Our Patent Pending Medicated Wonder Shells Are Unique And Sold NO WHERE Else Online. Now one of the few options for aquarium treatment with the 1/2021 ban of pharmaceutical grade antibiotics in the USA.
We do not just sell these; we also use these products personally. As well, it was our maintenance/research businesses (run by our founder, Aquarium keeping guru, Carl Strohmeyer) that tested, corrected dosing, found what this unique product could and could not do and eventually through AAP, this regional product was made aware to the rest of the world by our founder. Why not support the professional aquarium industry instead of purchasing elsewhere from a parasite retailer?
Regular AAP/Weco Wonder Shell (no medication) - Mineral Block.
NEW 1 kg block for extra large aquarium systems and ponds!
EXCLUSIVE INFORMATION ABOUT WONDER SHELLS (may not be used without permission from AAP):
• What are Wonder Shells Made of?
Our FRESH Regular Authorized Regular AAP/Weco Wonder Shells Contains Calcium Carbonate/CaCO3+ cations (a VERY important element for proper Osmotic Function in fish as well as Redox Balance), as well as Magnesium, Chloride, Sodium, Sulfate, Potassium, Bicarbonate, Bromide, Borate, Strontium, Fluoride (there is NO sodium thiosulfate despite poor search result claims).
These mineral Cations that are only provided in FESH AAP Wonder Shells are more important to fish health than parameters such as exact pH!
Useful for Important Mineralization/Electrolytes/Cations, Calcium Carbonate, Water Hardness Control, & more. Based on our extensive experience with 1000s of aquarium in our decades of professional aquarium maintenance, the use of AAP Wonder Shells (often at only fractional doses) is superior to other methods of minor & trace element/GH maintenance including over SeaChem Equilibrium (which is still an excellent product, it simply does not provide the continuous mineral Cations to battle oxidative stress)!
Calcium and magnesium have been proven to help fish (and humans) during stress and to help prevent disease due to acid buildup in the brain/body. Important for the prevention (& treatment) of Columnaris and Saprolegnia/Fish Fungus.
These positive mineral ions play a part in prevention of Columnaris by lowering oxidative stress and improving osmoregulation.
Can aid in prevention and treatment of Livebearers/Molly Disease such as "shimmies" and "wasting away" (not from Fish TB) whose general cause is the lack of these important elements.
Redox mineral water change
•Authorized Fresh AAP Wonder Shells add Necessary Minerals/Electrolytes -very important whether your source is this product or another method.
Authorized Fresh AAP Wonder Shells perform this by adding a constant supply of positive calcium and other positive mineral ions, which are depleted during Redox Balancing™ while lowering oxidative stress in fish (the picture to the right demonstrates how an AAP Wonder Shell lowers oxidative stress over just water changes).
GH tests cannot discern the ion charge and may show high GH when in reality, these cations are depleted. As well, while a Redox Meter may not show a difference in some well balanced aquariums with natural Reducers present, the Wonder Shells can react much better to oxidizers that might become present than natural reducers (the Potassium Permanaganate test can verify this).
For maintaining a higher pH or KH Wonder Shells should be combined with baking soda or better Sea Chem Buffers (or similar).
Please note, Wonder Shells do NOT generally raise KH or pH, despite some incorrect claims by Weco and other websites that have not used these AAP Wonder Shells properly. They more aid in maintenance of these parameters by neutralizing harmful acids, which result from organic decomposition (as noted earlier on this web-page, ONLY AAP has long term professional experience and testing of this product, so we know the facts of what it can and cannot do).
• Aids in Chlorine removal & helps keep aquarium clear.
• Aids in prevention of toxic ammonia buildup.
• Aids in prevention of HITH and HLLE (especially the 1 kg Block when used in large marine systems employing ozone).
• Especially useful for use with fish with higher mineral requirements such Goldfish, Livebearers, Cichlids, and more.
• These mineral blocks can help cure scoliosis in fish such as Guppys or even Bettas when lack of minerals is the cause.
• Regular Wonder Shells can also aid in prevention and even treat HITH by virtue of the necessary minerals found within these products.
• Each shell oxygenates, aerates and aids in neutralizing harmful acids resulting from normal bio processes. This makes the small Wonder Shell an Excellent Choice for Betta Bowls (especially when combined with Pillow Moss, Peat, Indian Almond Leaf Extracts, or Driftwood pieces).
• Also useful in Planted/Amazon River environment aquariums such as Discus and Ram Cichlids as well as Bettas for addition of positive mineral ions based on the proven fact of the need for calcium and other minerals for osmoregulation and Redox Balance™!
Concerns raising GH with Discus, Angels, planted tanks, etc, is at times over-rated, as this does not take into consideration the fact that essential positive mineral ions can be depleted, while the GH still might test “high”.
Reference: Depletion of Positive Ions.
• Extremely useful in planted aquariums at maintaining hardness (and we mean GH, not KH as studies in photosynthesis prove) to counter act peak daytime photosynthesis.
The Authorized AAP Wonder Shell is a CONSTANT GH supplement unlike other supplements for those using the EI method of dosing for planted aquariums!
As well, AAP Wonder Shells are useful for other minerals required by plants.
This said, if a planted aquarium GH booster are already being used daily, the AAP Wonder Shell would NOT be necessary.
Please see this article for more:
Aquarium Plants- Information and care.
• Can be used in marine aquariums, although better methods are available for reef aquariums in particular (such as with many SeaChem products).
However, Wonder Shells are excellent for use in RO water storage to aid in re-mineralization prior to top off for evaporation or mixing in Reef or other saltwater aquariums.
As well, for fish only or FOWLR marine tanks. They still can be useful for EVERYDAY mineral maintenance.
• Provides crabs, snails and turtles with an easily available source of bio available calcium for healthy shell growth.
Aquarium Medications Pro• NOT a cure all for poor water management, but a useful tool in proper aquarium maintenance. This is an excellent product, but the name is misleading, as Wonder Shells do not perform “wonders”, it is just a useful. However not essential product with more than 30 years of aquarist use to back it up
• Please follow the directions and use suggestions WE PROVIDE, as the packaging provided to us & then re-packaged still dates back to the 1970s are partly incorrect.
Please also note that AAP rotates stock, so even though no "best used by date" is published, you can be assured you are getting a fresh product that can maintain its full mineral Cations for well over a year (unlike many sold via 3rd party sellers on Amazon or other discounters that sit on the shelf for years before being sold at clearance prices).
These instructions are based on decades of experience as well as the unique ingredients we add.
The Wonder Shells should be placed in an area with low water flow for best results. NOT in filters.
They will dissolve approximately as needed for minerals/electrolytes and should be replaced when about ¼ original size.
For aquariums set-up for fish, which come from bodies of water that tend to be more soft (these fish still need positive mineral electrolytes for osmoregulation and Redox Balance™). The basic principle is to have at least some Wonder Shell piece, fragment, etc. present, no matter how small just to be able to provide constant mineral Cations THAT ARE PRESENT EVEN IN THE MOST SOFT OF NATURAL BODIES OF WATER!
As a starting point, we recommend a 1/4 “dose” (recommended AAP Wonder Shells per tank size), or even just fragments added as they dissolve as noted earlier on this web page.
The regular Wonder Shells (not Medicated) can also be broken for economy. Using a flat head screw driver placed in the middle of the shell, then hit with a hammer allows for easy splitting
For use with soft water fish or sensitive soft water plants- often a 1/4 dose to maybe a 1/2 dose of AAP Wonder Shells solves this problem along with the more easily measured dosing of SeaChem Replenish at the time of a water change IF RO water is used (for example: a 1/2 medium Wonder Shell for a 60 gallon tank equals 1/4 dose)
A test before and after can confirm correct dosing for fish such as Bettas, Discus, Angels, etc.
You would want to see at least a 10% bump in GH after a few days use if properly placed in a low flow area
Example; if the GH in your Betta tank is 200 before, and a few days later it is 225, this shows correct use (as you only want to see a slight increase to confirm ongoing mineral Cation replacement). However if the GH goes up considerably (such as to 300), then try a small size and confirm you are placing in a low flow area.
With high mineral fish such as livebearers, African Cichlids, etc, even doubling GH should not be an issue.
• The mineral block dissolves approximately as trace elements are depleted in an aquarium or as the bio load dictates.
Larger aquariums, those with high bio loads, or those low in trace elements will dissolve Wonder Shells at a higher rate until stable. Calcium (which is the carrier for the other elements) will not exceed safe levels as aquariums will precipitate out excess. GH readings will reflect this, however the GH will only show the overall hardness, not the balance of trace elements, so higher readings (over 200 ppm) are only reflecting excess calcium.
As well for soft water or planted aquariums, the use of SeaChem Replenish for adding essential minerals when RO water is used, then the use of 1/4 the normal dose of Wonder Shells or fragments to aid in the constant supply of essential mineral cations is suggested.
• IMPORTANT: Keep in mind, if your aquarium is low in electrolytes, the quick release of positive mineral ions can be stressful to many SE Asia and Amazon River fish such as Bettas, as well as many shrimp (such as Crystal Red Shrimp). If not used before, it is strongly advised to start with a 1/4 dose and then work up to a 1/2 dose or more.
However, literally 10s of thousands of professional uses (which includes CONTROLLED tests by aquarium keeping expert Carl S.) show this product to be safe and in fact beneficial when used correctly, so be wary of dishonest, poorly moderated aquarium keeping forums calling this product "evil" or making equally miss-informed statements based on a lack of basic aquarium chemistry knowledge (including Redox™)
Example: a 1/4 Medium Wonder Shell or 1-2 small WS for a 10 gallon aquarium.
The sudden introduction of Wonder Shells in a low positive mineral ion aquarium is comparable to changing water in a tank with high nitrates or especially too low pH. The fish/invertebrates will need to be adjusted to the improved water quality or pH shock would follow from the water change!!
Simply replace at whatever dosage you are using within a few days of dissolving. Unlike with AAP Medicated Wonder Shells, water changes should not require the aquarium keeper to ad more assuming new water is of the desired chemistry for the aquarium biotope kept.
Redox Information Research; Please note that the research into aquarium Redox balance has been ongoing by Carl Strohmeyer since the early 1990s, with more recent help and input by others.
Use of this information to help sell the Wonder Shell or other products is given by permission only.
Item Review:
Debbie S:
"I purchase these often and keep in my 55 gallon tank. It is difficult to see an obvious difference day to day but I think it saved one of my B oesemani Rainbowfish a few weeks ago.
I noticed that it had a bulging eye and suspected it had injured it somehow. I've never been successful in treating a fish but this fish got better!! I didn't really do much but make sure all my water parameters were good and it healed within a week.
I credit the wonder shells with keeping the water in tip top condition."
"I purchase these often and keep in my 55 gallon tank. It is difficult to see an obvious difference day to day but I think it saved one of my B oesemani Rainbowfish a few weeks ago.
I noticed that it had a bulging eye and suspected it had injured it somehow. I've never been successful in treating a fish but this fish got better!! I didn't really do much but make sure all my water parameters were good and it healed within a week.
I credit the wonder shells with keeping the water in tip top condition."